Monday, May 19, 2014


Now we all know that Jenna runs the halls of JMM and forces the peasants to bow down as she enters a room, but surprisingly our queen's name is often mispronounced. I'm not talking about her first name, everyone knows how to say that (and if you don't-may the devil bless you!), but I'm actually talking about her last name, Roesler. Queen Jenna's last name is sadly mispronounced at an astonishing 957 times per day (and that's just in the school), according to a study conducted by the Jenna Roesler Fan Club. Common mispronouncings include 'rose-ler', 'ross-ler', 'rayz-ler', or 'that sophomore, girlfriend of George Maysack'. All of which are very offending to the queen! The  correct pronunciation for this wonderful name is, in fact, RACE-LER. I now expect all of you to pronounce this goddess's name correctly!!!!! She settles for nothing but perfection!!

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