Saturday, May 24, 2014

It's Sar

HEYYYYYYAAAA! How's you weekend so far?!?!?! Mines pretty crackin!! But I'm really sick so that suxxxx:'((( but that doesn't stop me from havin a goooood time!! Right now I'm sittin at the sadester's aka the rats house!!! We had an eventful day and now we're tired so we're relaxing in bed for a while! She really wants to make a music video right now but I told her that's so lame!!!!! Lololol then she said 'but we are lame' and I said TRUUUUUU!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It is Jenna

hello, from tuesday, may 20th. It's after school hours and i'm stuck here, but oh well. i am waiting to watch my good friend george play a lacrosse game. i had a super fun day today, me and george got bagels before school and during lunch i hung out with my friends nia, amber, lily, and anal. anal has an inappropriate name for reasons which should not be shared. I got starbucks and it was sooo yummy but i didn't take a pic of it :( a boy punched me today but i didn't tell on him cuz snitches get stitches, and i heard thats not fun!!!! well peace out homies.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Now we all know that Jenna runs the halls of JMM and forces the peasants to bow down as she enters a room, but surprisingly our queen's name is often mispronounced. I'm not talking about her first name, everyone knows how to say that (and if you don't-may the devil bless you!), but I'm actually talking about her last name, Roesler. Queen Jenna's last name is sadly mispronounced at an astonishing 957 times per day (and that's just in the school), according to a study conducted by the Jenna Roesler Fan Club. Common mispronouncings include 'rose-ler', 'ross-ler', 'rayz-ler', or 'that sophomore, girlfriend of George Maysack'. All of which are very offending to the queen! The  correct pronunciation for this wonderful name is, in fact, RACE-LER. I now expect all of you to pronounce this goddess's name correctly!!!!! She settles for nothing but perfection!!

Jenna here part 2

News: me and sarah made up. the one direction song "thats what make you beautiful" came on in class and me and sar couldn't help but to sing along. that's the song of our friendship!!! we sang it to eachother and gave each other a big hug and both said were sorry. but then i put my pee in a bottle of hand sanitizer and asked her if she wanted to use some, she said yes!!!! now she has urine fingers!!! heheheh i got her good!! i can't wait for camp rock 3 to come out this summer, the 1st and 2nd ones are my fave!! Heres a pic of me and the cast!!! 

Jenna here.

Hey bloggers, i'm not in the best mood today. me and Sarah got in a fight because she got the shirt that she KNEW i wanted from Limited Too!!!! I can't believe her!!!!!! She came to school wearing it, so i ripped it off of her so she was  BUTT naked!!! all the boys took pics to look at later ;) sar wasn't too mad at me for it, but i was still so angry so i told her to KISS MY BUTT!!!! heres a picture to prove it.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Here's a pic of Jen rocking out to one of our FAV songs!!! 'London Bridge' by Fergie!!! lolol here are the lyrics!!!

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
Are you ready for this?
Oh, shit!

It's me
The pen
Fergie Ferg, what's up baby?!
Come on

When I come to the clubs, step aside (Oh, shit)
Part the seas, don't be having me in the line (Oh, shit)
V.I.P 'cause you know I gotta shine (Oh, shit)
I'm Fergie Ferg
And me love you long time (Oh shit)

All my girls get down on the floor (Oh, shit)
Back to back drop it down real low (Oh, shit)
I'm such a lady but I'm dancing like a ho (Oh, shit)
'cause you know I don't give a fuck so here we go! (Oh shit)

[Chorus (x2):]
How come every time you come around
My London London Bridge want to go down
Like London London London wanna go down
Like London London London be going down like

The drinks start pouring
And my speech start slurring
Everybody start looking real good (Oh, shit)

The Grey Goose got your girl feeling loose
Now I'm wishing that I didn't wear these shoes (I hate heels)
It's like every time I get up on the dude
Paparazzi put my business in the news
And I'm like get up out my face (oh, shit)
'fore I turn around and spray your ass with mace (oh, shit)
My lips make you wanna have a taste (oh, shit)
You got that? I got the bass (Uh)

[Chorus x2]

Ah, da, da, da, da, doo, doo, doo, doo
Me like a bullet type, you know they comin' right
Fergie love em' long time
My girls support right?

Ah, da, da, da, da, doo, doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo, doo
Ah, da, da, da, da, doo, doo, doo, doo

Me like a bullet type, you know they comin' right
Fergie love em' long time
My girls support right?

Another A.T.L.
Cali collabo
Fergie and Polo

When I come to the clubs, step aside (Oh, shit)
Part the seas, don't be having me in the line (Oh, shit)
V.I.P because you know I gotta shine (Oh, shit)
I'm Fergie Ferg
And me love you long time (Oh, shit)

All my girls get down on the floor (Oh, shit)
Back to back drop it down real low (Oh, shit)
I'm such a lady but I'm dancing like a ho (Oh, shit)
'cause you know I don't give a fuck so here we go! (Oh, shit)

[Chorus x2]

Shittin' all over the world
Fuck you bitches!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Jen's backkkk

Salutations!!!!! Jen is FINALLY here!!!!! I'm so happy to see  her. We've just been chillin on the computer and catching up with each other's lives since we haven't seen each other for 4 years!! I don't know how i survived  that long without her! Anyway, Jenna told me that she meant someone named Beyonce on her travels and they became really close! Hopefully not closer than her and I:/ But Jen is telling me how gorg Beyonce is and that she is striving to look like her! I think they already look very much alike, but what do you think? Here they are side by side. That's Jenna on the top, and Beyonce on the bottom holding up the peace sign!