Wednesday, April 30, 2014


HEEEEEEEY peeps what's gud??? Today me and jen put a quarter in the mike and ike candy thing and got so much free mike and ikes!!!!! theres still some left so if anyone wants some they're on the table!! lolz heres a pic of us in front of the fan just having fun in camm! We'll blog to ya la8r!! byebyebye

Monday, April 28, 2014

Jenna :)))

yo yo yo, it's the 28th day of april and i'm chillin in CAMM next to sar. So whazzup?? Who wants to chat?? kik me. holla at me on fb message. write on my wall ;) #likeforlike #teamfollowback #followforfollow #teamlightskin #yolo #merch #swag if anybody has any illegal substances to inject into my butthole, kik me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HAAY everyone hope you're havin' a great day me and jen just went to the bathroom and noticed how disgusting it was lolz! It smells nasty 24/7 so we think it's from one person that goes around stankin' up erry bathroom b4 skool! lolz comment who u think it iz!!


hello fellow civilians jay ray & say hub in da house here to give you the latest gossip!!!!! Stay tuned for moreeeeeee!